With a team of experienced investment professionals and financial planners, TENGARD strive to provide distinguished services and products to our clients in Asia.
Our strategic shareholders have strong business network covering Asia, enabling our company to establish a solid partnership with other investment professionals around the world.
For professional qualifications, Tengard Group Limited has obtained the following licenses and membership:
For insurance services, Tengard Finanacial Services Limited is a member of Professional Insurance Brokers Association (PIBA).
For investment services, Tengard Fund Management Limited is a registered Investment Advisor with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (licensed to carry out regulated activities including Type 1: Dealing in Securities Type 4: Advising on Securities and Type 9: Asset Management).
Another advantage of Tengard is having a multi-disciplinary mix of professionals that combines Investment Managers, Legal Professionals, Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), Certified Financial Planners (CFPCM), and Chartered Accountants. We will take each individual client’s needs seriously, providing an exquisite asset allocation view in order to recommend the composition and distribution of his/her portfolio. We can provide customers with general insurance, long-term insurance and investment-linked plan for asset protection and wealth management services. On the other hand, we also provide professional services on equities and bonds investment, investment portfolio management, commodities investment, investment migration counseling etc. For different types of customers, we will provide a tailor-made investment strategy. With such a comprehensive financial management support, customers do not just reduce the risk of investment, but also enhance the potential return, in order to achieve the expected financial goals within a certain time frame for creating the ideal lifestyle. Tengard does really make customers enjoy a truly “one stop” financial services.
Our strength as professionals in investment, insurance and immigration is to develop a comprehensive solution to suit our clients’ needs and reduce their risk.
With a team of innovative professionals, we are dedicated to offering a unique total solution to achieve different needs such as:
- Financial freedom
- Wealth accumulation for generations
- Wealth protection
Creativity is crucial to creating a unique financial solution, but it cannot exist on its own; it must be allied with practical project management experience under the guidance of outstanding professionals in various fields. Our experienced team is confident in determining a creative yet workable and practical solution. We also believe that the client is an important part of the creative team and we strive to develop a strong collaborative working relationship with our clients.
means we can provide a comprehensive solution to:
- Enhance overall return
- Reduce risk exposure
We enhance overall return by utilizing innovative investment strategies, in-depth tax planning, wider product ranges, seasoned professionals and innovative ideas.
We reduce risk exposure by diversification with more assets classes and well-planned strategies, regular credibility reviews and proper due diligence on products and services. We believe you cannot find another professional like Tengard anywhere, anytime.
Our ManagementTENGARD
To limit your risk, we carefully select reliable service and product providers and continuously monitor their credibility
Although financial return cannot be guaranteed, we can limit our risk exposure for every solution
Within the acceptable risk level, we strive to deliver better and more stable return to our clients
We deliver more innovative products and go through in-depth due diligence in the selection of products
We understand our role is more than a return generator; we also value wealth preservation which is the cornerstone
for wealth building
- Ricky Ngan Founder and CEO
Ricky Ngan is our founder and CEO of Tengard. Ricky leads the company to build up its reputation as a major player in the financial industry known for its effective, highly creative investment platform for clients and business partners. His experience in managing a 4.6 billion HKD governmental agency fund with good returns in long run and being executive directors of listed financial institutions for years enables him to ensure that the client’s aspirations are fully met. He will also be the responsible officer for our investment arm. - Patrick Shum Director – Investment Management
Patrick is our Director – Investment Management for Tengard. Being a well-known financial star in Southeast Asia, he appears regularly on various TV channels and digital medias. He is responsible for overseeing all creative strategies and new investment concepts. He works directly with clients and business partners to develop the best solutions for effective business development and investment return. He will be the responsible officer for our investment arm. - Terence Hui Director – Insurance Brokerage
Terence is our Director – Insurance Brokerage for Tengard. Being an insurance brokerage professional for over 15 years, Terence is responsible for all insurance brokerage business development in the company. He will introduce more creative solutions to assist clients in achieving financial freedom, limiting financial liabilities and covering unforeseen circumstances. He will be the Chief Executive of our insurance brokerage service arm.
HSBC口座サポートの流れProcedure for HSBC
当日お持ちになる免許証など必要書類をご確認させていただきます。 また、当日利用します申請書(日英併記の書類)を事前にお客様に送付させていただき、ご記入をお願いすることになります。 開設の場合の申請書のサンプルはこちらをクリック。
香港で投資顧問業を営んでおりますIFAのテンガードは、最上級のサービスをモットーに、香港でもショッピングに便利なカントンロード(Canton Road)に位置しております。 カフェスタイルのオフィスで長旅でお疲れのお客様を日本語であたたかくお迎えしております。
HSBC口座関連お申込みフォームApply for HSBC
HSBC香港上海銀行の利用マニュアルHSBC Manual
- HSBCの口座開設
- オフショアHSBC銀行口座を利用した投信など「香港の投資コンサルタント」
- 海外でHSBCのATMカード利用
- HSBC中国(HSBC China)-HSBC香港との比較-
- HSBCのインターネットバンキングの登録・使い方
- HSBC金利
- HSBC本店支店
- HSBCクレジットカード
- HSBC営業時間
- HSBC住所変更
- HSBC口座凍結解除
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みなさま、こんにちは。 いかがお過ごしでしょうか? さて、今日は弊社の営業日についてご案内いたします。 (日本時間で記載) 2024年12月24日17時30分まで営業 2024年12月25日休業 2024年12
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こんにちは。 今日は、皆様にお知らせです。 弊社に仮想通貨のAMTマシーンを設置いたしました!! 手数料もお安く仮想通貨のBUY&SELLそして、現金(香港ドル)でのお引き出しが可能です。 香港ドルは両替屋さん